plantART's Faux Bamboo convey an air of awe-inspiring splendour and can be used to great effect in decorating and enhancing any location or venue.
These extremely true to life reproduction “Artificial Bamboo Trees” are popular favourites and can be used in both domestic and commercial settings. Indeed we have installed artificial bamboo into bespoke fake planting projects worldwide and with much success.
Did you know that bamboos are actually the largest member of the grass family and they are one of the fasted-growing plants in the world at a rate of almost 4 cm an hour for some species?
Enhance the interior and exterior of your office, home, or business by securely purchasing our artificial fake bamboo trees online.
plantART also specialise in hand-built large interior and outdoor artificial olive trees, giant bamboo and palms to order in all sizes, style, shape and varieties to suit your specific needs and requirements. ENQUIRE